VTG (Lab) Bundle

Modbus - VTG Ch5 (ICS005)


Lab: 2 CPE

In this advanced level module, take a deep dive into the Modbus traffic of a simulated chemical plant to understand how to attack and harden one of the most common ICS protocols in use. After completing this chapter you will be able to

  • Run advanced nmap scripts to enumerate Modbus devices
    • Use Python Scapy scripts to perform detailed Modbus device enumeration
    • Scan and scrape data from a Modbus server
    • Send Modbus commands to control a process
    • Fuzz Modbus servers to check for vulnerabilities
    • Write IDS rules to detect suspicious Modbus activity
    • Set up a basic Modbus honeypot to study attacker behavior

      The Fortiphyd Virtual Training Grounds series equips you with the practical experience needed to secure ICS networks. Practice launching real attacks, see their physical consequences, and learn how to defend against them all in realistic 3D simulated plants.
  • Introduction to Modbus
  • Intro
  • Modbus Background Review
  • Initial Chemical Plant Reconnaissance
  • Modbus Man-in-the-Middle
  • Modbus Man-In-The-Middle Background
  • Modbus Man-In-The-Middle Exercise
  • Man-In-The-Middle Review
  • Modbus Device Enumeration
  • Modbus Enumeration Background
  • Modbus Enumeration Exercise
  • Modbus Enumeration Review
  • Modbus Data Scraping
  • Modbus Scraping Background
  • Modbus Scraping Exercise
  • Modbus Scraping Review
  • Modbus Command Injection
  • Modbus Command Injection Background
  • Modbus Command Injection Exercise
  • Modbus Command Injection Review
  • Modbus Fuzzing
  • Modbus Fuzzing Background
  • Modbus Fuzzing Exercise
  • Modbus Fuzzing Review
  • Modbus Intrusion Detection
  • Modbus Intrusion Detection Background
  • Modbus Intrusion Detection Exercise
  • Modbus Intrusion Detection Review
  • Modbus HoneyPot
  • Honeypot Background
  • Honeypot Exercise
  • Honeypot Review
  • Discussion and Q&A
  • Feedback
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 3 years